No Refills
S5 episode 3 Aired on July 8, 2015

Harvey attempts to bury the hatchet with Jack Soloff at Jessica’s behest, but when Jack throws Harvey’s overtures of friendship back in his face, Harvey decides to poach one of the power-hungry partner’s clients to teach him his place. 

Elsewhere, Mike begins working on the Kelton Insurance case with Robert Zane, and while Jessica instructs Robert to treat Mike as a full partner, it soon becomes clear that Robert has no intention of treating his future son-in-law as anything other than an associate.  

At the same time, Louis attempts to make amends to Donna and extricate himself from the conflict between Harvey and Jack Soloff. 

Meanwhile, when Jack wants Jessica to intervene on his behalf in his escalating war with Harvey, Jessica makes it clear whose side she is on.  But Soloff isn’t one to back down from a challenge, and with Harvey in a compromised emotional state and Jack’s influence on the rise among the partners, this may be one fight that Harvey and Jessica can’t afford to pick.